How to store antique jewellery

While I find the idea of digging my hands into a huge jewellery box and lifting them up filled with gold and gemstones laughing maniacally oddly appealing(I’m not the only one, right? Right?), neither old […]

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What determines the value of antique jewellery?

A 200 g gold bar’s value will only fluctuate based on the current gold prices. Unless there’s something about the bar that makes it particularly collectible to some people, the value will only be affected […]

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Detecting Damage: How to Spot Repairs and Alterations

Have you ever laid your eyes upon the most magnificent piece of antique jewellery, only to realise that something’s awry? That there’s just something that’s not right? Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence in the […]

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Frail materials: Pearls, turquoise and opals

Not all natural materials are created equal, and some, while stunningly beautiful, are more temperamental than others. The unholy trinity in this respect is, I believe, pearls, turquoise and opal, and they are as difficult […]

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Fineness: What does the gold content tell you?

Gold is a chemical element, and in its pure form, it can’t really be used in jewellery. This is due to its softness and malleability – while you’d be able to turn it into something […]

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